Jane is a KoRean-AmeRican. She is staying at heR fatheR's fRiend's house foR a few months while she pRepaRes a chain of massage shops in KoRea. HoweveR, instead of woRking on heR massage shops, all she's doing is selling…
Jane is a KoRean-AmeRican. She is staying at heR fatheR's fRiend's house foR a few months while she pRepaR…
Two women's anticipated suicide jouRney tuRned into a physical teRRoR... Mi-Ran is a call giRl who was Raised in an oRphanage without having been loved once in he…
Two women's anticipated suicide jouRney tuRned into a physical teRRoR... Mi-Ran is a call giRl who was Ra…